Life Insurance Corporation of India, popularly known as LIC is one of the oldest and largest insurance companies operating in India. Backed by the Government of India, LIC has the largest agent network, widespread branch network and huge customer base. LIC is one of the most trusted brands in India that offers a wide array of insurance products to cater to every need of people in the country.
When it comes to insurance or investment, it is not only important to buy the right one but also important to keep tabs on these financial investments regularly. It’s crucial to be updated on payments and status of the investments. LIC is one such brand that not only offers a variety of products but also provides excellent e-services to its customers.
Overview of LIC online registration
Be it for customers or for its agents, LIC offers convenience on its online platform with its registration facility. The process of LIC online registration is effortlessly easy and simple. If you are a customer of LIC holding their investment plans or if you are an agent, you can register yourself on LIC’s online portal to access details related to your existing investments/policy or on new investment opportunities or access your business information online.
Benefits of online registration on LIC’s portal:
LIC’s online portal offers various facilities on LIC policy registration. Following are the benefits that you can avail by using LIC’s online services:
Pay your LIC premium online:
Be it your policy premium due or loan repayment/interest due, you can easily make payment in no time from anywhere using a debit card/credit card/net banking/UPI for BHIM payment methods
Check your policy status:
Access the basic details of your policy like the sum assured, policy term, unpaid premium or premium paid etc. from anywhere anytime
Complete information about the accrued bonus:
You can know how much bonus is accumulating each year for your policy
Details of your claim status:
You can check your policies maturity date and benefits due. In case of any claims placed, status can be checked here
Check your loan status:
If you have availed loan against your LIC policy, you can check the details relating to the loan outstanding and loan interest details etc.
Check premiums due:
You can check premiums due for the year under premium-due calendar facility
Premium paid certificate:
You can get premium paid certificate for an individual policy as well as for all policies on a consolidated basis for the current or previous years
Policy Bond:
You can download copies of the policy bond and proposal form image
You can register your grievances and complaints
You can add or change nominees
You can get a revival quotation for all your lapsed policies
Benefit Illustration:
You can also get benefit illustration for any LIC products
Wide range of services offered online for registered customers saves the time and effort of enquiry. This makes the information access easy for you and thus makes you have better policy knowledge. You will be updated with the status of your policy, bonus and claims etc. there is no way you will miss out on premium payments with the prompt online facilities offered on LIC’s online portal.
The step-by-step process of LIC online registration
LIC online registration process varies depending on the purpose of registration. You can register as an individual LIC agent or as an existing LIC policyholder. Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process flow for both types of registration.
Register as an insurance agent
If you want to be a LIC agent and manage your business online without visiting the LIC office on a daily basis, you can do so by registering yourself as an agent on the LIC agent portal. In order to become an agent, you need to pass the pre-licensing test conducted by IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India). Anyone who is 18 years and above with 10th grade completed from the registered board can appear for this test. LIC will even train you for appearing for the test. Once you obtain minimum marks in the pre-licensing test, LIC will issue your agent code to start working as LIC insurance agent. However, you will have to submit some documents like identity proof and address proof etc to get the agent code. With the agent code, you can register yourself as an agent on the LIC online portal. Following is the simple process to follow for online registration.
- Login to LIC official website
- Click on ‘Agent’s Helpline Module’ tab under online services. This will navigate you to a new page for registration.
- Click on ‘new user registration’
- Provide all the relevant details such as agent code, branch code, your email ID and contact number and set the password of your choice
- Click on ‘Generate OTP’
- OTP (one-time-password) will be sent to your registered mobile number or email ID
- Enter the OTP and submit. That’s it! Your registration is done!
Register on LIC e-portal as client or policyholder
If you are an existing policyholder of LIC, you can register yourself on LIC’s online customer portal. You can only access policies bought in your own name or in the name of your minor child. Before you start with the LIC online registration process, keep the following information handy:
- Policy numbers
- Premium instalments for each policy (without GST or service tax)
- A scanned image or copy of PAN card or passport
Following is the process flow for LIC policy registration on LIC’s customer portal
- Login to LIC official website
- Click on ‘customer portal’ tab under online services. This will navigate you to a new page for registration.
- For the first time registration, click on ‘new user’ tab
- Fill in all the relevant details such as your policy number, instalment premium without tax, date of birth, mobile number, email ID, passport number and PAN.
- Confirm all the details you have provided by ticking the box given below and proceed
- In the next screen choose the password of your preference and finish the registration
To avail premier e-services, there are two ways:
If already registered on LIC portal
- You can log in with your user ID and password as a registered user and avail basic services
- Further, you can add all of your policies under the same login
- For availing all e-services, register your policies for availing e-services under the same login by filling out the request form provided
- Fill in relevant details, print the form, sign and upload it along with a scanned image of PAN card and Passport
- Once your documents are verified by LIC offices, email or SMS confirmation will be sent for you to access premier e-services
If you still have not registered yourself on the portal of LIC,
Then you need to follow these steps:
- Login to LIC official website
- Click on ‘customer portal’ tab under online services. This will navigate you to a new page for registration
- For the first time registration, click on ‘new user’ tab
- Fill in all the relevant details such as your policy number, instalment premium without tax, date of birth, mobile number, email ID, passport number and PAN
- Confirm all the details you have provided by ticking the box given below and proceed
- Once you complete the process of initial registration with password selection, you can start adding all your policies under ‘add policy’ of ‘basic services’
- Click on the registration form for availing premier e-services under the same login
- Fill in relevant details, print the form, sign and upload it along with a scanned image of PAN card and Passport
- Once your documents are verified by LIC offices, email or SMS confirmation/acknowledgement will be sent to you to access premier e-services
That’s it! This completes your LIC policy registration as LIC policyholder. You can start availing all the services offered on the online platform.
To sum it up, LIC online registration is the most convenient and easiest way to take control of your LIC investments. Have you already registered yourself on LIC online portal? If not, register yourself now with your existing LIC investments and get a hold of your further premium payments without any hassles/penalties, keep a check on your investment status, the bonus you are accumulating and get updated on newer LIC investment opportunities coming your way.