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Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company

Among the private sector life insurance companies, Reliance Nippon enjoys a good reputation. The company has a large customer base of more than 10 million satisfied policyholders. In the Brand Equity‘s Most Trusted Brands Survey 2018, Reliance Nippon Life was voted among the Top 3 Most Trusted Life Insurance Service Brands. The company is a joint venture between the leading Indian conglomerate Reliance Capital and the largest Japanese life insurance provider, Nippon Life. While Reliance Capital holds a 51% stake in the company, the remaining 49% is held by Nippon Life.

Why choose Reliance Nippon Life?

Reliance Nippon Life has a lot of advantages which makes it an ideal life insurance company. These advantages include the following –

  • As on the financial year ending 31st March, 2019, the company recorded a high claim settlement ratio of 97.71%. This shows that the company settles the maximum number of claims presented upon it.
  • Reliance Nippon Life has a widespread presence across 727 branches in India.
  • The Assets under Management held by the company amount to more than INR 20,000 crores as of 31st March 2019.
  • The 13th month persistency has been recorded at 78% as of 31st March, 2019 showing that 78% of the policies issued by the company have been successfully renewed.
  • The company has various awards in its kitty. In the year 2019 alone, the company has won four awards.

Plans offered by Reliance Nippon Life

Reliance Nippon Life offers a range of life insurance plans for its customers. These plans are categorised into different variants which are mentioned below –

Protection Plans

Protection plans are term insurance plans which create financial security for the family if the insured dies prematurely. Term plans have the lowest premium allowing policyholders to opt for high levels of sum insured to cover the risk of premature death. This high level of coverage provides the required financial assistance to the family in case of death of the bread-winner during the policy tenure.

Reliance Nippon offers the following types of term insurance plans –

  • Reliance Nippon Life Digi-Term Insurance Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Term Plan

Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Protection Plan Details:

Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Digi-Term Insurance Plan
Entry Age18 to 60 years
Policy Tenure10 to 40 years or whole of life
Sum AssuredINR 25 lakhs onwards
PremiumDepends on the sum assured, age, plan option selected
Salient FeaturesThere are 7 coverage options to choose from
Coverage for whole life can be selected
Premiums paid can be refunded under two plan options
Terminal illness coverage is inbuilt under the plan
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Term Plan
Entry Age21 to 60 years
Policy Tenure5 to 30 years
Sum AssuredINR 5 lakh onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 2000
Maximum – depends on sum assured, age and term
Salient FeaturesSix additional riders are available for better coverage
Premiums are low and affordable

Savings and Investment Plans

Savings and investment plans are traditional life insurance plans which help in creating savings while at the same time offering insurance protection. These plans allow a long investment tenure over which policyholders can create guaranteed savings for their financial goals. The insurance component of the plan also covers the risk of premature death allowing the family financial security in case of premature death.

Reliance Nippon has a wide range of savings and investment plans in its bouquet. The offered plans include the following –

  • Reliance Nippon Milestone Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Lifelong Savings Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life’s Guaranteed Money Back Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Fixed Savings Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Bluechip Savings Insurance Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Increasing Income Insurance Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Fixed Money Back Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Future Income
  • Reliance Nippon Life Whole Life Income
  • Reliance Nippon Life Increasing Money Back Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Bal Nivesh One Time
  • Reliance Nippon Life Super Money Back Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Smart Cash Plus Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life’s Money Multiplier Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Endowment Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life’s Super Endowment Plan

Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Savings and Investment Plan Details:

Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Milestone Plan
Entry Age5 to 75 years
Policy Tenure10, 12, 15 or 20 years
Sum AssuredDepends on premium, plan option, term
PremiumMinimum – INR 50,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesThree plan options to choose from
The plan earns bonus
Premium waiver benefit is available under the plan
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Lifelong Savings
Entry Age7 to 55 years
Policy Tenure15 to 30 years
Sum AssuredINR 80,000 onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 12,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesCoverage can be extended for whole life
Premiums can be paid for a limited period or regularly
Seven additional premiums are available
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life’s Guaranteed Money Back Plan
Entry Age18 to 58 years
Policy Tenure15 to 20 years
Sum AssuredINR 50,000 onwards
PremiumDepends on sum assured, term, age selected
Salient FeaturesGuaranteed money back benefit is paid in the last 5 policy years
The plan earns guaranteed loyalty additions of up to 40% of the sum assured
A guaranteed maturity addition of up to 20% of the sum assured is paid on maturity
Inbuilt accidental benefit rider
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Fixed Savings
Entry Age8 to 60 years
Policy Tenure12,15 or 20 years
Sum AssuredDepends on premium and term
PremiumMinimum – INR 25,000
Maximum – No limit
Salient FeaturesPremiums paid and a fixed maturity addition is paid on maturity
Fixed guaranteed additions are added to the sum assured every year
Seven optional riders are available under the plan
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Bluechip Savings Insurance Plan
Entry Age8 to 60 years
Policy Tenure10 to 15 years
Sum AssuredINR 77,905 onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 15,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient Features7% of the sum assured is added every year as guaranteed additions
Bonus is added under the plan
A range of riders are available to enhance the coverage
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Increasing Income Insurance Plan
Entry Age14 to 60 years
Policy Tenure12, 16, 20 or 24 years
Sum AssuredINR 60,000 onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 15,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesIt is a limited premium plan which pays a guaranteed monthly income after the premium paying term and till maturity
The policyholder can choose to receive only monthly incomes or incomes and a lump sum benefit on maturity
Monthly incomes increase every year
Optional riders help in enhancing the coverage
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Fixed Money Back
Entry Age18 to 55 years
Policy Tenure15 or 20 years
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh onwards
PremiumDepends on sum assured, age and policy term
Salient FeaturesGuaranteed loyalty additions are added every year and paid on maturity
Guaranteed survival benefits are paid in the last 5 policy year
Option to receive the promised money back and maturity benefit even after the death of the insured
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Future Income
Entry Age8 to 55 years
Policy Tenure14, 16,18,20,22 or 24 years
Sum AssuredINR 2 lakh onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 15,680
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesLimited premium plan which promises regular income after premium payment term and till maturity
Lump sum benefit is paid on maturity irrespective of the income already paid
Loan can be taken to fund emergencies
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Whole Life Income
Entry Age0 to 55 years
Policy Tenure85-entry age
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 16,328
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesLimited premiums are payable for the plan
After the premium payment tenure is over, annual guaranteed income is paid till 85 years of age
Cash bonus is also paid every year
Lump sum benefit is paid on maturity or death
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Increasing Money Back Plan
Entry Age15 to 55 years
Policy Tenure15 years
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 18,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesSurvival benefits are paid after every three years
Survival benefits increase on every pay-out
Lump sum benefit is paid on death or maturity
Five riders are available for customising the policy
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Bal Nivesh – One Time
Entry Age3 to 35 years
Policy Tenure15 years
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 49,146
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesA single premium is payable for the policy
Guaranteed maturity and death benefit is paid which depends on the single premium paid
Premium rebates are allowed for choosing high sum assured levels
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Super Money Back Plan
Entry Age18 to 55 years
Policy Tenure10,20,30,40 or 50 years
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh onwards
PremiumDepends on age, term, sum assured
Salient FeaturesLoyalty additions and maturity additions increase the benefit payable under the plan
Coverage can be availed for up to 50 years
Riders are available for additional coverage
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Smart Cash Plus Plan
Entry Age15 to 55 years
Policy Tenure10,13,16,19 or 22years
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh onwards
PremiumDepends on term, sum assured and age
Salient FeaturesThe plan participates in the company’s profits and earns bonuses
Full sum assured and sum assured addition are paid on maturity despite the money back benefits already paid
Three riders are available under the plan
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life’s Money Multiplier Plan
Entry Age18 to 55 years
Policy Tenure10,15 or 20 years
Sum AssuredINR 60,000 onwards
PremiumDepends on term, sum assured and age
Salient FeaturesGuaranteed loyalty additions are paid every year
Guaranteed maturity addition is added on maturity which increases the corpus
No additional premium is payable for paying premiums in the monthly mode
Premium discounts are allowed if the sum assured is INR 1 lakh and above
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Endowment Plan
Entry Age5 to 50 years
Policy Tenure10,15,20 or 25 years
Sum AssuredINR 65,261 onwards
PremiumDepends on term, sum assured and age
Salient FeaturesThe maturity benefit is guaranteed to be at least 100.1% of the premiums paid
Bonuses add to the corpus of the plan
Three optional riders are available with the plan
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life’s Super Endowment Plan
Entry Age8 to 60 years
Policy Tenure14 or 20 years
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh onwards
PremiumDepends on term, sum assured and age
Salient FeaturesLimited premiums are payable for the plan for half of the policy term
Three riders are available which help in increasing the coverage level

Retirement plans

Retirement plans are insurance plans which are especially designed to provide financial protection after the policyholder retires. These plans are called pension plans which create a series of guaranteed income after retirement, taking care of the policyholder’s financial needs.

The list of retirement plans offered by Reliance Nippon Life include the following

  • Reliance Nippon Life Pension Builder
  • Reliance Nippon Life Immediate Annuity Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Smart Pension Plan

Reliance Nippon Retirement Plan Details:

Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Pension Builder
Entry Age25 to 65 years
Policy Tenure10 to 40 years
Sum AssuredINR 2 lakhs onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 25,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesThis is a deferred annuity plan which allows policyholders to build up a retirement corpus during the policy tenure
The plan earns bonus and participates in the company’s profits
Annuity is paid for the annuitant’s whole life after the plan matures
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Immediate Annuity Plan
Entry Age20 to 80 years
Policy TenureNA
Sum AssuredNA
PremiumMinimum – INR 1 lakh
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesThe plan is bought by paying a single premium called the purchase price
Annuity payments start immediately after the premium is paid
Three annuity payment options to select from
Guaranteed annuity is paid for lifetime
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Smart Pension Plan
Entry Age18 to 65 years
Policy Tenure10,15 or 30 years
Sum AssuredDepends on the premium paid
PremiumRegular premium:
Minimum – INR 20,000
Maximum – no limit

Limited premium:
Minimum – INR 24,000
Maximum – no limit

Single premium:
Minimum – INR 50,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesPolicy term allowed for up to 30 years to create a sufficient retirement fund
Vesting age up to 75 years
It is a unit linked plan which allows flexible benefits

Health plans

Health insurance plans are those plans which give financial assistance in case of medical emergencies. Health insurance plans, therefore, help policyholders meet the high medical expenses associated with illness and injuries and gives them financial relief.

Reliance Nippon Life offers the following two types of health insurance plans –

  • Reliance Nippon Life Easy Care Fixed Benefit Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Cancer Protection Plus Plan

Reliance Nippon Health Plan Details:

Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Easy Care Fixed Benefit Plan
Entry AgeUp to 65 years
Policy Tenure5 years
Sum AssuredINR 1 lakh to 5 lakhs
PremiumDepends on sum insured, age and premium payment mode
Salient FeaturesA daily cash benefit is paid in case of hospitalisation
ICU admission would result in an additional cash benefit
3% of the sum assured is paid in lump sum if hospitalisation exceeds 7 days
10% to 100% of the sum assured is paid in case of specified surgeries
10 critical illnesses are covered under the plan. If the insured suffers from any covered illness, the sum assured is paid
5% increase in sum insured if no claim is made in a policy year
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Cancer Protection Plus
Entry Age5 to 65 years
Policy Tenure10 to 25 years
Sum AssuredINR 10 lakhs to INR 40 lakhs
PremiumDepends on sum insured, plan option, age and policy term
Salient FeaturesBoth early and major stage cancers are covered
Sum insured increases
Lump sum benefit is paid in case of cancer
Premiums are waived for three years after a claim for early stage cancer or relapse of cancer is made
Monthly incomes in case of major stage cancer
Three plan options to choose from

Child plans

Child insurance plans are those plans which have been solely designed to create a financial cushion for the child in case of the parent’s premature death. These plans have an inbuilt premium waiver benefit which waives the premiums in case of the parent’s death. The plan continues and pays the promised maturity benefit when the term comes to an end. This benefit can then be used by the child for its financial requirements.

Child plans offered by Reliance Nippon Life include the following –

  • Reliance Nippon Life Child Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Education Plan

Reliance Nippon Child Plan Details:

Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Child Plan
Entry Age20 to 60 years
Policy Tenure10 to 20 years
Sum AssuredINR 25,000 onwards
PremiumDepends on sum assured, term and age
Salient Features25% of the sum assured is paid in the last three policy years whether the insured is alive or not
Inbuilt premium waiver rider
The plan earns bonuses which increase the corpus
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Education Plan
Entry AgeParent – 20 to 50 years
Child – 0 to 18 years
Policy Tenure9 to 20 years
Sum AssuredINR 50,000 onwards
PremiumMinimum – INR 20,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesTwo death benefit options are available under the plan
The benefit of the plan can be received in any of the available five ways
Premiums can be paid for a limited period or for the entire policy term

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

ULIPs are life insurance plans which give the benefit of market-linked returns. The premiums paid are invested in market oriented funds which, therefore, grow as per the performance of the capital market. Policyholders can, therefore, enjoy good returns as well as insurance protection through ULIPs.

Reliance Nippon Life offers a variety of ULIPs which include the following –

  • Reliance Nippon Life Smart Savings Insurance Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Prosperity Plus
  • Reliance Nippon Life Premier Wealth Insurance Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Classic Plan II

Reliance Nippon ULIP Details:

Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Smart Savings Insurance Plan
Entry Age1 to 60 years
Policy Tenure10 to 30 years
Sum AssuredDepends on age, term and premium paid
PremiumMinimum – INR 48,000
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesThe policyholder can manage his own investments or invest as per readymade strategies available under the plan
Policy charges are reduced on higher premium amounts
Premiums can be paid regularly or for a limited period
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Prosperity Plus
Entry Age1 to 60 years
Policy Tenure10 to 20 years
Sum AssuredDepends on age, term and premium paid
PremiumRegular or limited premium- INR 1 lakh
Single premium – INR 5 lakhs
Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesThree investment strategies to choose from
Withdrawals can be done systematically in a fixed amount
Loyalty additions are also added to the fund value from the 6th policy year
Policy administration charges are refunded on maturity
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Premier Wealth Insurance Plan
Entry Age30 days to 60 years
Policy Tenure10 to 30 years
Sum Assured1.10 to 30 times the annual premium
Regular or limited premium- INR 2 lakhs
Single premium – INR 5 lakhs

Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesTwo investment strategies to suit different investors
Wealth boosters are added from the eighth policy year which increase the fund value
A high sum assured can be chosen for better coverage
Plan NameReliance Nippon Life Classic Plan II
Entry Age7 to 60 years
Policy Tenure15 to 30 years
Sum Assured1.10 to 15 times the annual premium
Regular premium- INR 20,000
Single premium – INR 75,000

Maximum – no limit
Salient FeaturesFive funds are available for investing the premium
52 free switches are allowed in a year
Tops are allowed for additional investment
Systematic Transfer Plan helps protect the returns in case of market volatility

Group Plans

Group plans are those insurance plans which cover the members of a recognised group. A single master policy is issued in the name of the group and all the group’s members are covered under the plan. Group life insurance plans prove affordable and provide good coverage.

Reliance Nippon Life offers the following types of group insurance plans –

  • Reliance Nippon Life Group Credit Assure Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Group Sarv Samriddhi
  • Reliance Nippon Life Group Term Assurance Plus
  • Reliance Nippon Life Group Credit Assure Plus
  • Reliance Nippon Life Traditional Group Assure Employee Benefit
  • Reliance Nippon Life Group Gratuity Plus Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Group Leave Encashment Plus Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Traditional Group Superannuation Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Traditional Group Employee Benefit Plan
  • Reliance Nippon Life Group Term Assurance Plan EDLI

Exclusions under Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Plans

Though the life insurance plans offered by the company provide good coverage, they have suicide exclusion. The suicide exclusion clause states the following –

  • If the insured commits suicide and dies within 12 months of buying the policy, the premiums paid would be refunded by the company as death benefit.
  • If the insured commits suicide and dies within 12 months of reviving a lapsed policy, higher of 80% of the premiums paid or the surrender value of the policy is paid as death benefit.

These clauses would apply whether the insured commits suicide in a sane mind or not. Once the above-mentioned benefit is paid, the policy is terminated.

How to buy Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Plans?

Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Plans can be bought online or offline. The process is as follows –

  • To buy offline – to buy the plan offline you would have to either visit the nearest branch of the company or request for a financial advisor. If you go to the branch, you would find the company’s executives who would help you in buying the policy easily. Alternatively, if you request for a financial advisor, the advisor would visit you, explain the policy details, help you in filling up the proposal form and then you can pay the premiums and buy the plan.
  • To buy online – buying online is the easiest way to buy a Reliance Nippon Life insurance policy. To buy online, you can follow the below-mentioned simple steps –
    • Visit the official website of the company which is https://www.reliancenipponlife.com/
    • On the home page, choose ‘Buy Online’
    • The plans which are available online would be shown
    • You can select the desired plan and view the plan benefits
    • Once you are satisfied with the plan details, you can proceed to fill in the online proposal form
    • Provide all the required information in the proposal form and submit it
    • Pay the premium online
    • The insurance company would then underwrite the policy and once all the details are found correct, the policy would be issued

You can, alternatively, buy the company’s plans online at Turtlemint. Turtlemint is an online website which allows you to buy the best life insurance policies. You can visit www.turtlemint.com and select the most suitable life insurance plan for your needs. Turtlemint’s personalised helpline number also helps you with your queries when you buy the policy making the purchase easier and informed.

How to renew Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Plans?

Renewing a Reliance Nippon Life plan is also an easy task. All you have to do is to pay the renewal premium online or offline before the due date and the plan would be renewed. If you want to make any changes when renewing the policy, like adding a rider or increasing the sum assured, you can make a request for the change. The company would then process your request and recalculate the premium if there is an increase or decrease. You can then pay the recalculated premium and the plan would be renewed.

Turtlemint also allows renewals of Reliance Nippon’s life insurance plans. You can simply visit Turtlemint’s online website and renew your plan in an instant by paying the renewal premium. Any changes in the existing plan can also be done online with simple clicks of the mouse or your Smartphone.

How to make a claim in Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Policies?

A claim in the policy is said to occur in any of the following instances –

  • When the plan matures – maturity claim
  • On death of the insured – death claim
  • In case of a medical contingency which is covered by the plan – health claim

The process of each claim and the documents required are as follows –

  • Maturity claim for Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Policies:
Process for Maturity Claim
The insurance company informs the policyholder about the policy’s maturity 90 days before the policy comes to an end
The policyholder should furnish his/her bank account details to the company if not already provided
The company processes the claim within 7 days of receiving the policyholder’s bank details
Once processed, the claim is paid directly to the policyholder’s bank account
The claim can also be paid via an account payee cheque and sent to the policyholder’s registered address
Documents required for Maturity Claim
Request letter containing the bank details of the policyholder
A cancelled cheque of the policyholder’s bank account. Alternatively, self-attested copy of the passbook or bank statement can be furnished if they contain the bank account number and IFSC code
  • Death claim
Process for Death Claim in Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited
The nominee has to intimate the company about the death of the insured. Intimation can be done at any of the nearest branch of the company or by sending a letter to claim team at the head office which is located in Goregaon, Mumbai
The nominee would have to submit all the relevant documents related to the death of the insured
The company would verify the documents for their authenticity and check if all the details have been provided or not
Additional documents, if required, can be demanded and the nominee would have to submit the required documents
If there is an investigation which is required to be conducted to assess the cause of death, the company would inform the nominee about the same and conduct investigation
After the documents have been verified and if the investigation, if any, has been completed, the claim would be processed
The nominee should provide his bank details for receiving the claim quickly
Once the bank details are available, the claim would be transferred to the bank account of the nominee.
Alternatively, claim can also be paid through an account payee cheque and sent to the nominee’s address
Documents required for processing a Death Claim in Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited
Claim Form A which should be filled by the claimant or the nominee
Claim Form B which is the Medical Attendant Certificate and should be filled by the medical practitioner who attended the insured. The form should also be signed and stamped by the practitioner
Claim Form C which is the identity certificate and should be filled by an individual who knew the insured except the nominee
Death certificate in original
Copy of all the medical and hospital records of the insured
Copy of the Medico-Legal Cause of Death. It should be certified by the doctor who should also confirm the cause of death
The original policy bond
KYC documents of the claimant or the nominee
A cancelled cheque of the nominee’s or claimant’s bank account. Alternatively, self-attested copy of the passbook or bank statement can be furnished if they contain the bank account number and IFSC code
In case of death due to accidents, murder or suicide, the following additional documents would also be required –Police FIRPost mortem reportNewspaper cutting of the event, if availableChemical analysis or viscera report, if availableFinal police investigation report, if applicableDriving license of the insured in case of accidental death where the insured was driving
  • Health claims
Process for Health Claim in in Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited
The claim should be intimated to the TPA of the insurance company for cashless claims. The TPA would then coordinate with the insurance company and get approval. The company would then settle the hospital bills in a cashless manner
In case of reimbursement claims, the claim documents should be sent to the insurance company within 15 days of discharge from the hospital. The company then checks the documents, verifies the claim and reimburses the claim amount.
Documents required for processing a Health Insurance Claim in Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited
Cashless request form which is available at the TPA’s desk at the hospital
Copy of the health card issued by the company
KYC documents of the insured
Original Discharge Summary
Medical investigation reports of the insured
For reimbursement claims, Standard Reimbursement Claim Form would be required. Part A of the form should be filled by the insured and Part B by the insured and the hospital.
Hospital bills associated with the illness or injury for which the claim has been made
Copy of all hospital records
Attending doctor’s certificate which supports hospitalisation
Police FIR in case of accidental hospitalisation
Any other documents as required by the insurance company
A cancelled cheque of the insured’s bank account. Alternatively, self-attested copy of the passbook or bank statement can be furnished if they contain the bank account number and IFSC code

Claim through Turtlemint:

You can also make a claim with the help of Turtlemint. Turtlemint has an online claim handling department. When you raise your claim through Turtlemint, you get complete assistance in getting the claim settled. Turtlemint coordinates with the insurance company on your behalf, helps you with the documents required and ensures that the claim is settled as quickly as possible. To make a claim through Turtlemint all you need to do is to call their claim helpline number which is 1800 266 0101 or drop a mail at claims@turtlemint.com and your claims would be handled at the earliest.

Claim settlement ratio of Reliance Nippon Life Insurance

Claim Settlement Ratio, CSR, measures the ratio of claims settled by an insurance company in a financial year compared to the total claims made upon it. The higher the ratio, the higher would be the claims which the company settled. A high CSR is, therefore, a favourable factor when judging an insurance company.

As on the financial year ending 31st March, 2019, the company recorded a high claim settlement ratio of 97.71%. This shows that the company settles the maximum number of claims presented upon it. Similarly, in the financial year 2017-18, the company’s CSR stood at 95.17% which, again, is a very good number. Here are the CSRs of other insurance companies for the financial year 2017-18 for comparison –

Name of the insurance companyClaim Settlement Ratio
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company96.38%
Aviva Life Insurance Company94.45%
AEGON Life Insurance Company95.67%
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company92.04%
Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company96.85%
Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance Company95.22%
DHFL Pramerica Life Insurance Company96.62%
Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Company95.25%
Exide Life Insurance Company96.81%
Future Generali Life Insurance Company93.11%
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company97.80%
IDBI Federal Life Insurance Company91.99%
IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company89.83%
Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company93.72%
LIC of India98.04%
Axis Max Life Insurance Company98.26%
PNB MetLife Life Insurance Company91.12%
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company97.88%
Sahara Life Insurance Company82.74%
Shriram Life Insurance Company80.23%
SBI Life Insurance Company96.76%
Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company92.26%
TATA AIA Life Insurance Company98%


Premiums of Reliance Nippon life insurance policies can be paid online or offline. To pay the premiums offline you can choose to pay in cash, through a cheque or through a demand draft. If, on the other hand, you want to pay the premiums online, the same can be paid through your debit card, credit card, net banking facility, mobile wallets, UPI, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, etc.

Premiums can be paid yearly, quarterly, half-yearly or monthly

A nominee is an individual who is authorised by the life insured to collect the death benefit in his absence.

Yes, you can change the nominee in your life insurance policy whenever you want to. To change the nominee, you would have to fill and sign a Nomination Form available with the insurance company. The form should then be submitted at any of the nearest branch of the company along with the KYC documents of the nominee. The documents should be self-attested by the nominee. Once the nomination form and documents are submitted, the insurance company would process the change of nomination within the next two working days.

Riders are additional coverage benefits which can be chosen with the base plan. Reliance Nippon Life offers a range of riders with their plans. The choice of a rider is voluntary and when you select a rider, you would have to pay an additional premium for the same. Each rider comes with an additional premium and you can add as many riders that you want.

If the policy has already started and later during the policy tenure you want to add a rider, you can do so at the time of renewal. To do so you should submit a written request to the company to add the desired rider. The company would then recalculate the premium which is payable including the rider premium. The premium would be communicated to you and once you pay the revised premium, the rider would be added to the existing policy.

Loan can be taken in some traditional life insurance policies. Loan is available when the policy acquires a surrender value. The amount of loan is expressed as a percentage of the surrender value and is allowed up to a maximum limit which is usually 70% to 80% of the surrender value.

Partial withdrawals are allowed after the completion of the first five years of the plan.

You can contact Reliance Nippon Life at its toll-free number 1800 102 1010 from anywhere in India. For NRI customers who live outside India, the contact number is (+91) 022 1882 7000. For any type of claim related queries, the numbers are 1800 102 3330 and 022 3000 2700.

No, neither death claims nor maturity claims paid under life insurance plans are taxable. These claims are completely tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Life Insurance Companies