This is the age of smart apps and smart gadgets which have made our lives more advanced and simplified. Technology and the internet have brought about a major change in our lives as everything is now available quite literally on your fingertips. Even in the case of health insurance, technology has digitalised the whole process of buying and selling health insurance policies. Insurance companies are now offering their plans online. They have even developed mobile apps which can be downloaded on your Smartphones and used to buy, track and monitor health insurance policies.
Besides technological advancements, the importance of healthy living has increased in recent times as people are increasingly making efforts to keep themselves healthy. Organic living, trendy exercise activities like Pilates and Zumba, vegan diets and other trends have taken a centre stage. Promoting these are smart wearables like fitness bands and smartwatches, health-related mobile apps and blogs and modern day living is all about healthy living. With healthy living being the modern day mantra and technology providing everything at your disposal, the health insurance market has seen a paradigm shift. Insurance companies have understood the concern of millennials to lead a healthy life and have, as such, launched their own health programs. Did you know about it?
Besides offering a whole lot of coverage benefits, health insurance plans also offer various value-added benefits. These benefits are wellness programs and initiatives which help you maintain and lead a healthy life. You get personalised health assessments, on-call doctors, lifestyle advice, health advice, etc. through these wellness programs. Besides promoting good health, these wellness programs are also aimed at reducing the claim experience of the insurance company. As you live healthily, there are low chances of your falling sick and making a claim in your health insurance policy. Because the insurer’s claim incidence reduces, you are offered premium discounts on renewal premiums. A win-win situation, don’t you think?
When you come to think of these value-added health programs, the first instance which you can see is the one offered by Apollo Munich. In many of its health insurance plans, Apollo Munich offers a ‘Stay Active’ benefit. Under this benefit, you are awarded a premium discount if you take a specified number of steps in one policy year. If you are wondering how your steps are counted, Apollo Munich has an app for that purpose. You just have to download the app on your Smartphone and when you buy a policy, the app starts counting the number of steps you take. Your steps are recorded in the app and after a year when the policy gets renewed, you get a premium discount based on the number of steps you have taken during the year. Isn’t it a perfect combination of technology and healthy living? Another example is Max Bupa’s Go Active Health Coach which offers discounts for healthy living.
With insurance companies offering specialised health programs, apps and premium discounts for healthy living, who wouldn’t be motivated to lead a healthy life? So, use the latest technology to your advantage and make your health insurance policy smart with attractive premium discounts.
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