If you want to try your hand at driving a vehicle, you have to learn driving skills. You can join a driving school and learn the skills but you would need a driving license to drive the vehicle. The RTO (Regional Transport Office) issues your driving license. Even if you want to make any changes to your driving license, you have to get such changes done through the RTO. There are specified forms which are to be filled in and submitted with the RTO to obtain a driving license and to also make changes in it.
Here are the different forms which you would require –
RTO forms for availing a driving license
1. Form 1: Application-cum-Declaration to Physical Fitness
Who needs it?
Anyone who wishes to avail a driving license
This is an application form for registering for a driving license.
The form also declares that the applicant is physically fit to avail the license
Click here to download Form 1
2. Form 1A: Medical Certificate
Who needs it?
To be filled and submitted by a registered medical practitioner appointed by the State Government.
To certify that the applicant applying for the driving license is physically fit as per the medical check-up done by the medical practitioner
Click here to download Form 1A
3. Form 2: Application for the Grant of Learner’s License
Who needs it?
Applicants applying for a Leaner’s License
Purpose: To apply for a Learner’s License for a specified vehicle
Click here to download Form 2
4. Form 4: Application for License to Drive
Who needs it?
Applicants applying for a Driving License
Purpose: To apply for a driving license for a specified vehicle
Click here to download Form 4
5. Form 8: Application for the addition of new class of vehicles to a Driving License
Who needs it?
Applicants wanting to drive another type of vehicle
Purpose: To get another type of vehicle added to the existing driving license
Click here to download Form 8
6. Form 9: Application for the renewal of Driving License
Who needs it?
Applicants who want to renew their existing driving license
Purpose: To renew the driving license which is expired or about to expired
Click here to download Form 9
These forms are required to be submitted to the RTO along with your necessary documents for the respective purposes. Know your forms for any driving license related queries and changes.