With technology, our lives have become a lot simpler. Therefore, when you sit to renew your car insurance, you must make use of this very technology and simply save yourself a lot of money and effort! However, not just simply renew your car insurance policy online, comparison helps you to choose the best deal amongst the ones available.
Since Car Insurance policies are completely portable, you can now transfer benefits from one insurer to another without disrupting the continuity of the plan. Know more about renewal and portability. So it makes sense to choose the best possible option by comparing it online and then purchasing the same so as to get the best deal. Not only in terms of money, but best deals can provide you with the best features and flexibilities.
How to compare for car insurance renewals?
Turtlemint.com is a dedicated comparison website for your convenience. It helps you in comparing the various available insurance plans.
All you have to do is enter your requirements and the different plans with the different features and rates at the click of a button. You can then compare the plans, see what they have on offer and make your final decision.
This process of comparison will not only help you choose the most competitive policy for your car insurance renewal but also help you check out other features which you might have missed out otherwise. The choice of riders, the zero-depreciation of your car, etc. can be chosen at the convenience of your house only you compare the same along with the premium amounts.
Read more about Benefits of comparing car insurance online
Things to consider when comparing for car renewals on Turtlemint.com.
You must consider a few things while you look for car insurance plans online. They are:
- Scanning the plans – To do this, you must keep three things in mind: the price, the deductibles, discounts, and the coverage amount. You must remember to compare apples with apples. This means that you must look to compare the same features in all the plans you are looking at. Different types of car insurance policies have different features and thus have different prices. You have to specifically look for the policies that meet your checklist; else the whole purpose of buying insurance will be defeated.
- Look for discounts – When renewing your car insurance plan, you may be eligible for certain discounts such as the no claim bonus. Check to see what discounts you get from each insurer and how much of an impact that will have on your final premium. Also, if you have installed some safety features in your car then you may be eligible for some extra discounts. Look out for insurers who offer discounts for gadgets, etc in cars.
- Deals and offers – Many insurance providers have special deals and offers at certain times. If you happen to find such a deal, look into it closely to see if there are any hidden charges, etc. If you are satisfied with the clauses and find that your premium is lowered because of the deal, go for it. At times however, these deals bring along with them a lot of extra costs and charges that eventually make your car insurance more expensive in the end. So read the policy documents carefully before making a purchase.
- Bonus – No claim bonus gets added for a claim free year. NCB can be carried forward even if you transfer the policy to a different insurer by portability.
- Riders and Benefits – Car Insurance policies are available with quite a few additional riders, like Zero Depreciation, Engine Protect, NCB Protect, Road Side Assistance, Paid Driver Legal Liability, etc. which needs to be considered and higher riders will have higher benefits and it should be considered as these are some of the most important riders that you can opt for.
Read more about Car insurance terminologies you should know
Also, ensure that you check the Insured Declared Value of the car and not choose the lowest premium with low IDV. That reduces the value of the car.
Thus, you get to choose the best plan for your car insurance renewal by simply comparing the same and then opting for the one, which best suits your needs rather than blindly buying the same one you already have. This way you get to weigh the pros and cons of all the additional benefits available at the cost charged and then settle for the best one, as per your needs!
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