Maximizing the resale value of your car
You’ve been planning to sell off your car, but are disappointed with the value offered. Well, here’s our Turtle who’ll…
10 items to build your car emergency kit
Is car insurance enough to keep your newly bought car safe? So you just bought a new car. Now all…
5 things that impact your car insurance premiums
As you all are aware that Car Insurance is mandatory in Indian Laws as per Motor Vehicle Act. So, while…
7 tips for car insurance policy renewal
Today, motor insurance is a compulsory legal requirement. Choosing a suitable auto insurance policy has become a part of car…
When will car insurance not cover you?
For every car owner, his car is a living entity with soul. Everyone is protective about their valued asset. Even…
Why choosing the right policy helps you take it easy
Have you ever yearned for a dish that is served exclusively at a restaurant in your city? Imagine looking forward…
Potholes and insurance make a winning combination
It’s no secret, no one likes potholes. Potholes increase during monsoons. Here is how you can take care of your…
The best health policy in the world
Everyone wants the best out of life. The best food, the best clothes and the best house. But how about…
12 tips to maintain your two-wheeler in monsoon
Planning for a long drive on your two-wheeler in monsoon? You and your two-wheeler can create magic on the open…